(原文)Harmony in a family, what does your child draw?
Psychologists consider that by means of drawings children give vent to emotions overflowing them; it is their way to understand the world and themselves. It is not surprising that through drawing you can tell a lot of things about children perception of the world and life.
Draw us!
Thoughts ask for drawing. Wish to glance in your kid’s soul? Choose time when a child takes pencils and an album, and suggest him drawing a family. Do not prompt and specify, whom exactly he should draw. Do not disturb your small Raphael, and watch him quietly. Probably, new discoveries are waiting for you.
Daddy, mum, me …
In what sequence a child has drawn family members? If he is the first, this does not mean he is egocentric. This is good. After all, a kid draws his world, where he is a main kind wizard. However, if he drew only himself, this means he does not feel a member of a family, exists in himself. After himself, as a rule, a child draws a family member, considered the most important for him.
Dumb animals – a cat and a dog usually appear on a paper the last. And if such friend appeared second, this means a kid is lonely. If a child “forgot” to draw someone from relatives, this is a disturbing signal. So, this “someone” is unpleasant to a kid. Perhaps, this is revenge for recent insult or punishment.
All children want to grow sooner, therefore they draw themselves on a level with adults – well, maybe little lower. If a kid drew himself very small, possibly, he depends on parents too much, they prevent him from showing his own individuality.
All together
If all relatives stand nearby and hold hands, a child feels a part of single whole family. He is assured of general love to him.
A child draws his favorite person he trusts entirely closer to himself. Parents who communicate little with each other and child, will appear on a sheet of paper in different corners or in separate windows, divided by lines. It is worse, if they stand backs to each other.
Younger brothers or sisters also often appear away from all the others. If they are also of microscopic sizes, this means, a child is jealous and struggles for attention of parents. And smiles from ear to ear, bows, florets, balloons flying like butterflies – a sure sign a child feels good in this world.
Feet, hands, head
What you can tell about an author of drawing? Preschool children draw all parts of face and body already accurately, without forgetting details. Absence of any part of body guards. Long hands of some relative say about a child’s fear to be punished. If daddy often abuses a child, a child can “forget” drawing his mouth. Big and thick feet testify that a child feels intensity in a family and aspires to more reliable base of family relations subconsciously
A kid who feels uncomfortable in the world draws ugly people with spreadeagled hands and thumbs. An author, drawing long-legged people, most likely, aspires to independence, and if a beginning artist represents all with hands lifted upwards, it is not so good. This means, he likes inspiring fear, whe peope are afraid of him.
Tenderness has colour of the sky
A kid will try to paint the most loved and dearest creature to him with the same colour he paints himself. Energetic and restless usually choose warm and hot colours – crimson and orange. Silent, pensive, serious kids prefer cold tones. They like dark blue, blue, pale yellow. Contrast of black and white – reflexion of internal conflict a child cannot consult in any way.
And still pay attention, how your child paints an image. If a pencil continually jumps out contour limits, this means, a kid is freedom-loving and allocated by independence gift. If drawing is painted accurately and if there is a white strip between a contour and primary colour, this is a sign that a kid is not self-assured, feels defenceless and requires your support constantly. |